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Contact Us Today for a
Free Case Evaluation & Consultation

To learn more about how we can help and your legal options, call us at 334-289-2255, or send us an email now. We represent wrongful death clients in Marengo, Perry, Hale, Wilcox, Dallas, Sumter, Greene, and Clarke counties.

While this website provides general information, it does not constitute legal advice. The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact a lawyer. To schedule a meeting with a wrongful death lawyer, please call or complete the intake form.

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Disclaimer: The use of the internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.

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A fractured femur is a common injury someone in Alabama sustains after getting into a car accident. This type of break is painful and can...

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