Financial transactions are a major part in the lives of individuals in Alabama and elsewhere. Being a consumer is commonplace, whether it is at a store or on-line, and dealing with consumer debt is unfortunately also fairly common. Thus, those overwhelmed by consumer debt seek different avenues to address or eliminate their consumer debt. Because many want to avoid the bankruptcy process, some fall victim to debt elimination fraud.
At Gibbs & Sellers, P.C., our attorneys understand all too well the lengths scammers will go to scheme money away from individuals. A vulnerable individual, such as a person dealing with growing debt, is an easy target for these schemers. One can look like a legitimate business when in fact they are devised to target individuals to trick them out of money. However, even when a person falls victim to a debt elimination scheme, it is possible to take action to correct the wrongs one has suffered because of this form of fraud.
Consumer fraud can be extremely devastating on an individual and family. Therefore, our law firm is focused on gaining a better understanding of the matter so we can help our clients become knowledgeable of their options. Seeking a civil action for the harms caused could help make one whole again after dealing with the aftermath of a consumer fraud scheme.
To learn more, check out our law firm’s consumer fraud website. No matter the type of fraud one falls victim to, it is important to understand that there are legal remedies available. A legal professional can help explain these options, helping one navigate through this challenging time.