The wrongful death of a loved one in a car or other type of traumatic accident can be devastating for families of victims. Surviving family members may face both an emotional and financial toll associated with a fatal car accident.
When a loved one has been wrongfully killed by the negligence of another party, surviving family members may be left with financial needs and emotional trauma. A wrongful death claim for damages can help surviving family members receive compensation for medical and funeral expenses; the loss of support and services; the loss of companionship and other damages depending on the circumstances. It can also help hold a negligent driver accountable for the harm they have caused.
Wrongful death damages are unique in each situation to the circumstances and characteristics of the victim but universally seek to help surviving family members of victims of fatal car, truck or other accidents. Wrongful death legal protections may be available in a variety of situations and circumstances including car accidents and truck accidents but also in circumstances of nursing home abuse and neglect or dangerous or defective product-related fatal accidents. A wrongful death claim is brought on behalf of the lost loved one’s estate for the benefit of surviving family members.
Wrongful death legal options are a valuable resource for family members of victims of fatal accidents which is why it is helpful to be familiar with the legal protections available to help families who have been harmed by the negligent actions of a careless driver. Family members can receive oftentimes much-needed assistance with the financial and emotional struggles they face after a fatal accident.