Workers’ compensation benefits can be critical to supporting an Alabama worker while they are recovering from a work-related injury. Every year thousands of people are injured while performing the duties of their jobs and performing services for their employers. But, when these often preventable accidents happen, workers can be left unable to earn their wages or support their families. Nonetheless, workers’ compensation helps them stay financially healthy while their bodies are on the mend.
There are circumstances when injured workers may discover that their claims for workers’ compensation have been denied, though. While every claim for workers’ compensation should be fully understood by the victim and their family, this post will discuss some of the general reasons that these important claims are rejected. But, please understand that this post does not provide any legal advice to its readers.
Workers’ compensation may reject a claim for support if the claimant’s injury cannot be tied to their employment. Injuries sustained while performing work-related tasks may be compensable, but injuries suffered in a company vehicle while driving for personal reasons may not. An accident in one’s place of employment may appear to be work-related, but if the victim’s injuries resulted from horseplay, then the victim’s harm may not be covered by workers’ compensation.
The connection of an Alabaman’s injuries to one’s employment or employer is a critical component of providing a compelling claim for support through workers’ compensation. Timing is of the essence when a victim suffers harm while doing their job, and understanding the law is key.