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Nursing home abuse and neglect should not be tolerated

Nursing home abuse and neglect can cause harm to the vulnerable, as well as those who entrust the care of their loved ones to a nursing home and its staff. Accordingly, it is important for injured victims and their families to be familiar with the legal resources and options available to protect them in unfortunate circumstances of nursing home abuse and neglect.

There are approximately 2 million Americans living in nursing homes. It is estimated that 90% of nursing homes are understaffed. When nursing home residents are not properly cared for it can result in malnutrition, dehydration, medication errors and bedsores. When this happens, it can be considered negligence and the nursing home and its staff may be liable for the harm they cause which can include injuries and even death.

Signs of nursing home abuse and neglect can include malnutrition; dehydration; aspiration pneumonia; bedsores; improper medication and medication errors; insect infestations; sepsis and infections; peritonitis and improper feeding tube placement; urinary tract infections; sexual abuse; falls; and fraudulent charting which may also take place. When nursing home negligence has led to these or other harms, damages may be available to victims and their families.

Families should be able to take comfort that their loved one will be properly cared for and attended to when placed in a nursing home. When this expectation is not met, it is important for victims of nursing home abuse and neglect to be familiar with the protections available to them and the legal options for when they have suffered unthinkable harm because of nursing home abuse and neglect.

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